Wisdom In This Haze
Welcome to my podcast! Here I share original fiction, short stories and writings with the intent of entertaining you. Yes, you! My goal is to share my content with the world and, with any luck, make someone's day a little more interesting. Sometimes, these works may contain explicit language or content. I will always preface each one so there will be no surprises! Come, sit down and let's tell a story.
Wisdom In This Haze
Episode 5 - Setting Sun- Chapter 4: "I Was The Bait?!"
Season 1
Episode 5
Episode 5 is finally here! Thank you for your patience as I struggled with my own demons. I hope you enjoy the next chapter in the misadventures of Fountain and Blue. As always, come say hi at widsominthishaze@gmail.com or on Facebook at Wisdom In This Haze. Have a fantastic day!